Refund & Return Policy

All refund and return requests are to be formally processed via email to maintain proper documentation. Our team will review all requests and may require additional information to approve or deny your request.

We strive to provide high-quality products and be a brand you can trust. If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, please contact our customer service via email at

Return/Exchange Policy:

  1. We offer a 30-day return policy from the date you receive the product for a full refund, regardless of the reason. We regret that we cannot process refunds or exchanges beyond 30 days.
  2. The return policy applies only to products purchased through our official website ( and official stores on other platforms (ShopAPP, Google Shopping, Facebook Shop, Instagram Shop, etc.).
  3. To ensure approval of your return/exchange request, please ensure the product is in new or good condition, the product packaging is intact, and there is no damage. We will require you to return the product along with all accompanying accessories.
  4. We only support replacement of defective products. If you receive a defective product, please contact the Risenty customer support team at as soon as possible. We will be happy to assist you.
  5. If your order includes the purchase of our partnered shipping insurance (Green Shipping Protection), that portion is non-refundable. Please refer to the terms and conditions of coverage in the "Shipping Policy" for this portion.

Regarding Return Shipping Fees:

  1. For non-quality-related return requests, the buyer is responsible for return shipping fees.
  2. For products with quality defects, Risenty Store is responsible for shipping fees. We will provide a prepaid shipping label via email. Please print this label and use it to return the product to us.

Return Process:

Step 1: Request a Return Before initiating a return, please contact our customer support team at and provide the following information:

  • Order number
  • Purchase channel (official website or other platforms)
  • Complete shipping information (provided at the time of ordering)
  • Contact phone number
  • Reason for return
  • Video or photos of defective products (if applicable)
  • Whether an exchange is requested (only applicable for defective products; if an exchange is requested, a refund will not be processed)

It would be helpful if you could follow the email subject format: "Return + Order Number + Buyer's Name".

Step 2: Approval and Receipt of Return Address The Risenty customer support team will process your request within 48 hours and, upon approval, provide you with a return address or prepaid shipping label via email. (If an exchange is requested, the replacement will be dispatched on the same day.)

Step 3: Inspection of Product and Confirmation Once we receive and inspect the product you've returned, we will send you an email notifying you of receipt and approval or denial of your refund. (If an exchange is requested, please disregard this step.)

Step 4: Completion of Refund If approved, your refund request will be processed immediately, and the funds will be automatically returned to your original payment method. Processing typically takes 3-5 business days. (If an exchange is requested, please disregard this step.)

We will be unable to process a refund if:

  • The product is sent to the wrong address (including returning it directly to the shipping location without contacting us).
  • Cash on delivery return method is chosen.

If you have any questions or need assistance regarding our return policy, please feel free to contact our customer support team at